Sunday, August 9, 2009

Trial Time


It's been about 4 months since my last post,
and it has been a time of trial. It didn't feel
right to add any more articles till I got
through it. In this spiritual work, one is always
a student as the tests seem to get harder, and more
challenging. Strength and self-control that grew
from past challenges are pressured by new obstacles
and circumstance. The darkness before the
dawn was two weeks ago. Calamity again has proven to be
a genius.This post is about the aspects of trial.

The adventure begins when the problem becomes so obvious
that it cannot be ignored. It becomes apparent that a
solution is needed soon, or disaster awaits.

The problem becomes defined, and understood. In fictional
books of old this is the ogre, monster, or dragon.

Cause and Effect:
Problems are circumstances, which are effects of a cause.
Cause->Effect. What is the cause that produced the effect?

Finding the cause is like peeling an onion. Each layer brings
one closer to the thought/belief that created the problem/

Now it takes prayer/meditation to change the thought/belief which
will creates a different circumstance.

This battle period is like the darkness before the dawn, as
disaster looms, courage faces doubt, which produces
pain/suffering, and the inner fire that brings solution/victory.

The dragon is defeated, the problem is solved, and you recognize
the energy source that welled up inside you. God has worked through
you, to improve you. You have the solution, which begins to turn
circumstances in a positive direction.

Validation: Green Shoots
Small positive outcomes give you an early signal that your solution
has changed your situation. Now its time to maintain new habits
with patience and selfcontrol.

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