Saturday, August 15, 2009


When one makes the conscious decision to begin the spiritual
path, to open up the soul, they usually find themselves in
troubles. There is a paradox in life that when tries to
become goodness, that difficulties and obstacles appear to
block the way. These difficulties usually involve loss of wealth,
friends, jobs, or some other circumstance that seems to get
in the way. Many blame the devil, and announce "the devil is a liar".

Where do these difficulties come from?

We can pray to God, and ask them to be removed; however, I have
found these troubles to later be blessings. It is as if God
has sent these troubles, to cause our transformation. The effect
of our holding on to the old self are pain and suffering. That is
how we overcome our limitations. This is our refinement. Pain
and suffering are the inner fire that burns off our limitations.

If we can let go, and let be, while have faith that something
better is coming our way, we can make room for the new by removing
the old. Yet me must work through the pain, have the courage to
face whatever difficulty that presents itself, and grow.
Life is about growth. Refinement purifies the soul.

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