Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Thoughts are Seeds

It is very important what we think about, because our thoughts expand in our lives. The saying goes "as within, so without". Your life is a mirror reflection of the thoughts you made in the past. Therefore, it's very important now to have
positive, right-thinking (righteous) thoughts, so that your future expands in a positive way.

Think of thoughts as seeds. A tomato seed has the tomato plant already inside it.
It just needs to be planted. Now this seed can't be a pepper or bean plant, because
it is a tomato seed. Also this seed doesn't stress how its going to grow into a
tomato plant. It allows the God forces of sunshine, the soil, and rain to take care of the process.

The same growth process is true of our thoughts. We plant the thought seed in meditation and prayer. Then we allow the God forces, which come through us,
to process the idea into fruition. The process doesn't care if the thought is love,
abundance, or good health, as long as it is a specific idea. With the patience of a farmer we allow our thought to manifest into the physical. It is by faith that the
thought will come forth into fruition.

As the thought form grows inside us, we change. It is this change that attracts that which we seek. "As within, so without".

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