Friday, March 27, 2009

The Call to Quest

There comes the time in the human life when the call
to quest comes from within. This is the time when society
is left behind, so the indidivual can discover their
true selves. Joseph Campbell states in his work on
mythology,"The Hero With A Thousand Faces","it is only
the hero on a quest who has a destiny".

Just as in the stories old, the quest begins with a
leaving of the village for parts unknown, or perhaps
for a specific prize. Along the way, the hero meets
helpers, who possess talisman's that help turn future
obstacles into stepping stones. It is only after the
hero has left, that the help appears along the way.

For the present day hero, once the quest begins new
opportunities present themselves. There must be faith,
a trusting that your head is protected while your feet
are guided. That is the connection to God, or universal
consciousness. Insecurities melt, as the hero learns
self-reliance and trust. New personalities come into their
lives that teach and help. Opportunities open up for all
the good gifts of life, such as love, abundance, and peace.

There are also times of trial, and difficulty. These are
times that develop character, times in the funace burning
away of the dross of vices such as selfishness, and false
pride. These are times when we realize that a connection
to God is more important than any government or other societal
security blanket. Yet, the dragons (vices) must be slayed.

Sometimes the quest is forced on the hero. Today, a lay off
from a company job could begin a quest, or some other calamity.
Emerson stated in his essay on Compensation that calamity "later
assumes the aspect of a guide or genius; for it commonly operates
revolutions in our way of life, terminates an epoch of infancy
or of youth which was waiting to be closed, breaks up a wonted
occupation, or a household, or a style of living, and allows the
formation of new acquaintances and the reception of new
influences that prove of the first importance to the next years."

The call to quest is not highly prized in today's technological
society, yet without it the human being is just a robot. There
are latent powers that each human possesses, yet like oil in the
ground, they must be tapped. We need to discover that we are human
beings, not just human doings. There is a spiritual side to us
having a human experience. It is the call to quest which is the
ultimate adventure to the true brave, to explore the world within.

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